We have thought of a unique concept & named it ‘Rider Readiness.’ As the name suggests, we have designed a solution to determine if the rider is ready & safe to start his day or not. To achieve this, we will obtain the heart rate data from a chest belt, which will then be processed into patented software. The report from this software will reflect a person’s current stress level & overall health status, translated into a simple score. A good score will mean that the rider is good to go & can start his day happily!
Rider Wellness
We at BikeKit® believe that sooner than later, companies will start working towards enhancing the well-being of their riders. If we see, a typical day for a delivery boy is generally 10-12 Hrs long or maybe more. Many factors like job pressure, road conditions, demanding customers, socio-economic conditions, etc. create a lot of stress on these people. From a health perspective, a prolonged stressful situation can lead to improper sleep, angry outbursts, restlessness, etc. which can then result in drowsiness & inattentiveness. Such a rider will not only be a grave danger to himself but also to other road users.
BikeKit’s founder, Ankit Agarwal, brings in more than 10+ Years of Health & Wellness experience, which has helped him & his team to think of a ‘Rider Wellness’ solution that can help mitigate such risks & improve the well-being of the rider community.

Rider Behavior
Rider Well-Being
We believe that apart from determining ‘Rider Readiness,’ a continuous program that can enhance the rider’s well-being can also act as a very important motivator. We are working towards developing tools for nutrition, exercise & mindfulness that can help a rider stay fit & healthy. We would be happy to partner with last-mile delivery companies & custom make solutions for them, as per the challenges they are facing & objectives they want to achieve.